Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Take on MMORPGs

I'm back on my game again! MMORPG or Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game is a genre of online game wherein you role-play a character, kill monsters until you level up. While leveling up, you gain more useful and powerful skills that will aid you in your leveling journey to a particular virtual world. And this is not all about leveling up, because you are playing with other players from different part of the country. You can organize a party so that it's not only you will be fighting with those monsters. More heads are better than one, right? Dealing with other persons that you don't know but you share the same interest is so much fun, and that made me love playing online games more.

Though you need to spare more time, effort and perhaps money for you to achieve your desired level, the undeniable fun is unmistakably irreplaceable. There's a saying that goes, "The time you enjoyed wasting is not a wasted time."

Online gaming is just like what's happening in the real world. You start from level 1, and you continue to face challenges. You gain experience and you're leveling up, which makes you a better, stronger and smarter person. Sometimes, you need somebody to support you as you face your quests, that's your party!

It's time to Level up!

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