Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hat's off to AOL and Etelecare

I've just received the news that I've been waiting for. As I expected, I won't be regularized. With my consistent low MSI, low saves and conversion rate, high AHT and tardiness, there's no really chance for me to be regularized.

I'm both sad and happy at this point. I'm sad because I have somehow loved this job and having a great time working with my team mates and my Team Lead will soon be over. On the other hand, I'm happy because I won't deal with irate AOL members again and I will be able to start all over again.

This work has been a learning and a humbling experience indeed. As what Charisse (one of my CSSes) said, ".. your work will not love you, but you have to your work.." which is surely true. I know this is not the right job for me. I'm a Computer Engineering graduate and I graduated with honor (let's put a strikethrough to "with honor"), and I should be working in an IT firm. Well, right now, I'm earning a living and I think that's far more important than having no work at all.

Anyway, I know I did all the best I can. But number is more important than the effort exerted and I perfectly understand that.

Again, we only have one chance to prove our worth, and I failed to prove mine this time.. Again..

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