Sunday, June 21, 2009

Being Employed at Qualfon

I know it's not good to complain (well I'm not complaining), but there are also complements.. Here's my observation at Qualfon so far.

- Equal opportunity company.
- No need to look for supervisors for sup calls, just transfer to the supervisor extension
- 2 shifts only, morning and afternoon
- 7 hours of work per day
- Account is somewhat simple, since we're all familiar with cell phones.
- You may not auto-in at the exact time of your supposedly time-in.
- Free Iced tea, juice and water

- Crew brief almost everyday and lasts for almost 2 hours and that's free
- IMO, the QA guidelines and scoring were kinda unfair. 1 simple mistake could mean 10 points.
- Scorecard is also not balanced. Example, for QA Scores, getting 95 - 100% average will give you 22.5% on the scorecard, getting 90 - 92% will only give you 16% and getting 85-89% will only give you 8%. That's a big difference between 22.5 and 8%. Transfer rate is also included in the scorecard which is sometimes uncontrollable. Not meeting 8% target will get you a whopping 0% out of the 15% passing rate. This will give you an automatic 85% on the scorecard even if you made a perfect score in all areas.
- Day offs change almost every week.
- No Over the Counter transactions and you cannot deposit in your ATM account.
- Number of cubicles is sometimes not enough for agents. Sometimes we need to get upstairs and we'll log in there.
- Foods at the canteen cost dollars
- Sometimes there's no supervisor who will assist you if you need assistance

So far, I'm enjoying my stay here. I just hope that I'll be regularized so that I won't have a hard time in applying in other companies if I decided to leave.

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