Thursday, November 5, 2009

FYI Week First Audit

Since I passed Gating, here comes FYI week. For 5 days, we'll still be taking in calls for 4 hours and our calls will be audited by the QAs but whatever our score will be won't affect our score cards.

First Day of FYI Week...

I don't think I can stay longer with this account. I would like to give up at this point. I was able to handle most of my calls properly, but until when? There are lots of things that I need to be familiar with in this account. Medical terms, procedures, policies and all that stuff. I'm not medically trained, I'm only trained to answer member's inquiries with regards to their benefits and eligibility, which I'm still having a hard time to do. I know it's normal to feel this way because it's my first time to handle a health care account and to speak with the customer with no scripts. I really need to use the remaining part of my brain.

6:00 A.M. At last! Time to stop taking calls. I was surprised that I got a hundred in my very first audit. I'm not expecting it, and I'm the only one who got a hundred in our class. I was very lucky that my easiest call for the day was picked and reviewed. Good Lord! Thanks God!

Tomorrow.. I hope I can still maintain the score. I know in time, I'll learn how to accept this. In time..

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